Hi! I'm Menno Finlay-Smits. Welcome to my humble and irregularly updated place on the web.
Autonomous Python bots battle it out!
A talk about Python's beginning until version 2.3
Python NZ Online session
Looking at a popular web framework for Rust (talk slides)
Generate cute, random maps in the browser using WebAssembly and Rust
Keep track of when you completed things
A talk for the Christchurch Python meetup
No more whirring in the living room (and use less power too!)
The first release to not support Python 2 (finally)
You should use it too (talk slides)
Iterators, iterables, generator functions, list expressions (talk slides)
Binary files, text files, mmap, pickles, JSON and much more
Changes in function calling convention makes Go 1.17 faster
The headline features in (then) recent versions of Python (talk slides)