A talk for the Christchurch Python meetup
The first release to not support Python 2 (finally)
You should use it too (talk slides)
Iterators, iterables, generator functions, list expressions (talk slides)
Binary files, text files, mmap, pickles, JSON and much more
The headline features in (then) recent versions of Python (talk slides)
IMAPClient 2.2.0
My Python Toolbox
IMAPClient 2.1.0
IMAPClient 2.0.0
IMAPClient 1.1.0
IMAPClient 1.0.2
IMAPClient 1.0.0
IMAPClient 0.9.1
IMAPClient 0.5.2
IMAPClient 0.5.1
Dear Bazaar...
PyCon UK 2008
spamquestion 0.2
Blog spam update